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Born in 1970, France.
Lives and works in Brussels.
After training in drawing, Sébastien Reuzé turned to photography, which he studied at La Cambre (Brussels), and of which he has made his favourite medium. His practice, multifaceted, combines different disciplines such as installation and video, but it is generally from photography that his exploratory affinities take their starting point.

Long hours spent in the darkroom allow him to experiment and cultivate the pictorial potential of photography. This results in works whose unreal tones refer to a dreamlike dimension and to the deeply contemplative nature of the artist. They unfold his aesthetic universe marked by American photography, the great journeys and road trips, the novels of Ballard, Camus or Conrad. They are also filled with the sunny culture, the intense light in which he grew up on the French Riviera.

Whether they reflect an intimate moment, a sensation, a landscape, each of Sébastien Reuzé’s works endeavors to derealize the real, to make it tip over into fiction. Sometimes, they even emancipate themselves completely from the register of the image to border on abstraction. By allowing himself all these formal liberties, the artist opens up the field of interpretations in an infinite way.

His work has been the subject of exhibitions in Belgium and internationally, including: Impression Remains, The Finnish Museum of Photography (FIN, 2022), La Photographie à l’Épreuve de l’Abstraction, CPIF + Frac Haute Normandie (F, 2020), Hotel Solaire, FOMU, Antwerpen (B, 2019), RISING SUNSET, Galerie Catherine Bastide (2017), CAMERA(AUTO)CONTROL, Centre de La Photographie de Genève (CH, 2016) ; Magic and Power, Marta Herford Museum, Herford (D, 2016) ; Le Morning, Etablissements d’En Face, Brussels (B, 2015) ; Dark Rising Sun, De La Charge, Brussels (B, 2015) ; Le Centre du Monde, FRAC Bretagne, Rennes (F, 2014) ; 3 + 3 font..., Centre Photographique d’Île-de-France, Pontault-Combault (F, 2005) ; Sébastien Reuzé, La Criée Centre d’Art Contemporain, Rennes (F, 2003).

Sébastien Reuzé’s work has been rewarded many times: Programme Hors les Murs de l’Institut Français (2011), Young Belgian Art Prize (2005), Residence du Centre Photographique d’Île de France (2005 + 2020)...

Edition is an important part of his work: Colorblind Sands, 2018 (ed. APE), Indian Springs, 2016 (ed. Centre de la Photographie –Genève), Wavelengths of Light, 2010 (ed. Contretype), Numéristique, 2009 (ed. La Lettre Volée), Constellations, 2002 (ed. La Lettre Volée).

Sébastien Reuzé is also co-creator of avatar-publisher Herman Byrd with Erwan Mahéo and Margaux Schwartz.


* catalog, publication, arcticle.

Solo show
Plus One Gallery, Antwerp (BE)

Sébastien Reuzé & Sybren Vanoverberghe
Curated by Olivier Grasser
Contretype, Brussels (BE)

Group show
Exhibition by FRAC Normandie, à Le Havre
Théâtre de l'Hôtel de Ville, Le Havre (FR)

Disabstraction Sunrise
Group show
Curated by Xavier Noiret Thomé
Plus One Gallery, Antwerp (BE) 

Dream The Dream That Dreamers Dream
Group show
Curated by Isaline Raes
Galerie Kristof De Clercq, Gent (BE)

Prendre le soleil
Group show
Hangar Y, Paris (F)

Live Mode
Solo show
Violet art space, Antwerpen (BE)

Métal Urbain
Solo show
Espace Urbain, Brussels (BE)

Group show
Violet art space, Antwerpen (BE)

Group show
Curated by Sybren Vanoverberghe 
Platform 6, Otegem (BE)

FOMU - Fotomuseum Antwerpen
Grace Ndiritu  « Reimagine the Fomu Collection »
FOMU, Antwerp (BE)

Les Heures Sauvages
Group show 
Centre Wallonie Bruxelles / Paris; Paris (F).

Impression Remains 
Group show
The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki (FIN).

42 livres d’artistes des sélections du prix Bob Calle Fondation Jan Michalski, Montricher (CH)

Journal du Train des Pignes
Solo show
Outdoor display & Instagram newspaper
on the way of the train between Digne (F) and Nice (F) in collaboration with organization Botox(s) and Villa Arso, Nice (F), upcoming.

Fata Morgata (Cascadeur)
Solo show
Galerie Quatre, Arles (F), upcoming.

Group show
FOMU fotomuseum, Antwerpen (B)

Deux scénarios pour une collection

‘Scénario 1: Corps, couleurs, matières’
Group show
FRAC Normandie Rouen, Sot­te­ville-lès-Rouen (F).
La photographie à l’épreuve de l’abstraction
Group show
Centre Photographique d'Île-de-France, Pontault-Combault (F).*

La photographie à l’épreuve de l’abstraction
Group show
FRAC Normandie Rouen, Sot­te­ville-lès-Rouen (F).*

Salon a ppr oc he
Group show, Paris (F).

Solo show
Château Nour, Brussels (B)
Following an invitation by Rectangle.

Familles, je vous like
Group show
Curated by Daniel Vander Gucht 
Abattoirs de Bomel - Centre culturel de Namur, Namur (B).

Solo show
FOMU - Fotomuseum Provincie Antwerpen, Antwerpen (B).

There all is order and beauty
Group show
ARGOS, Brussels (B).

Prix Bob Calle du livre d'artiste 2019
École Supérieur des Beaux Arts de Paris, Paris (F).

PHAK - Centre culturel Colombier, Rennes (F).

Group Show

Curated by Maïté Vissault
Centrale for Contemporary Art, Brussels (B).

Établissements d'En Face, Brussels (B).

Group show
Curated by Muriel Enjarlan
CRP Douchy-Les-Mines (F).

26.01.2018 to 06.05.2018
Group show
Curated by Société (Brussels, B).
Catherine Bastide Project, Marseille (F)*.

Magnum Travel Agency, a Magnum project.
The Light Project curated by Arp2 Publishing, Brussels (B).

Group show
251 Nord, curator Laurent Jacob
Espace 251 Nord, Liege (B).

Rising Sunset
Solo show
Catherine Bastide gallery, Brussels (B).

Rising Sunset
Solo show
Bastide Projects, Marseille (F).

Club Andalouse 
Group show
Curated by Marie Degaulejac, Paris (F).

Magnum (invited as Herman Byrd)°
Curated by Nancy Casielles
BPS22 Museum, Charleroi (B).

Oh Les Beaux Jours!
Biennale 9 de Louvain-La-Neuve
Group show
Curated by Joel Benzakin and Angel Vergara
Louvain-La-Neuve (B).

Parisque. Le Doc!
Group show
Curated by Marie Degaulejac, Paris (F).

Lazerna Razmjena Bez Panike
Group show
Curated by Thomas Nolf / Gauthier Ourshoorn Charlama Gallery, Sarajevo (BS).

SYNC! (invited as Herman Byrd)°
Group show
ISELP, Brussels (B).

Group show
Centre de La Photographie de Genève, Genève (CH).*

Solo show
Curated by Emmanuel Lambion and Maïté Vissault
Art Brussels, Booth of Federation Wallonie Bruxelles (B).*

Magic and Power
Group show
Marta Herford Museum, Herford (D).*

Brussels Unlimited
Group show
Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris (F).*

WAVE IX - Herman Byrd project°
Curated by Erwan Mahéo.
Island, Brussels (B).*

Eugène Leroy Dans Le Miroir 1
Group show
Muba Eugène Leroy, Tourcoing (F).

Launch of edition FOES NOUVELLES
Maison Grégoire, Brussels (B).*

Relire le Monde, Relier les gens
Group show
La Lettre Volée, Brussels (B).*

Colorblind Sands
Solo show, in four solo shows (Nicolas Bourthoumieux. Dougie Eynon. Gijs Milius & Erwan Mahéo. Sébastien Reuzé)
B.A.D., Brussels (B).*

Le Paradis et l’Enfer
Group show
Fondation Boghossian, Brussels (B).*

Pixels of Paradise
Group show
Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, Paris (F).*

Le Morning
Solo show
Le Night, Bazouges La Pérouse (F).*

Le Centre du Monde
Group show
Project by Erwan Mahéo
FRAC Bretagne, Rennes (F).*

Biennale Internationale de la Photographie de Liège
Group show
Liège (B).*

Brussels Unlimited
Group show
Centrale for Contemporary Art, Mois de la Photographie de Bruxelles (B).*

Triple Launch
Group show, Maddy Arkesteyn - Sébastien Reuzé - Voebe de Gruyter.
BREW, Brussels (B).

Solo show
MAAC, Brussels (B).*

La Noë
Solo show
ISELP, Brussels (B).

Future Memory
Group show
Galerie Archetype at Ampersandt House, Brussels (B).

Solo show
Contretype, Brussels (B).*

Carte Blanche
Group show
Musée de La Photographie, Charleroi (B).

Je sont les autres
Project by Xavier Noiret Thomé.
Incise, Charleroi (B)

Numeristic Choregraphy
Solo show
Centre d’Art Le Triangle, Rennes (F) +Talk by Mr André Gunthert.*

Group show
Curated by Sébastien Reuzé with Isabelle Arthuis, Jean Baptiste Bernadet, Lucia Bru, Damien De Lepeleire, Philippe Durand, Agnès Geoffray, Erwan Mahéo, Ursula Meier, Xavier Noiret-Thomé, Sébastien Reuzé, Robert Suermondt, Robert Quint, Christophe Terlinden. Brussels (B).

Le Centre du Monde
Group show
Établissements d’en Face, project by Erwan Mahéo, Brussels (B).
Isabelle Arthuis, Boris Beaucarne, Lionel Esteve, Erwan Mahéo, Xavier Noiret Thomé, Sébastien Reuzé...*

Territoire de Convergences
Group show
Musée d’Ixelles, Brussels (B)
Isabelle Arthuis, Laurette Atrux-Tallau, Lucile Bertrand, Franck Christen, Lionel Esteve, Erwan Mahéo, Xavier Noiret Thomé, Sébastien Reuzé, Léopoldine Roux, Emmanuelle Villard.
Commissariat: Bernard Marcelis, Anne Laure Chamboisier.

Convergence de Territoires
Group show
Isabelle Arthuis, Laurette Atrux- Tallau, Lucile Bertrand, Franck Christen, Lionel Esteve, Erwan Mahéo, Xavier Noiret Thomé, Sébastien Reuzé, Léopoldine Roux, Emmanuelle Villard.
Curated by Bernard Marcelis, Anne Laure Chamboisier, Christine Ollier & Lilou Vidal
Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire, Brussels (B).

Honorons Honoré
Group show
Project by Damien De Lepeleire, Vaast Colson & Koen Leemans
De Garage, Cultuurcentrum Mechelen (B).*

Group Show
Isabelle Arthuis, Frederic Barthes, Elina Brotherus, Sebastien Cambouvile, Andre Cepeda, JH Engstrom, Andre Jasinski, Barbara & Michael Leigen, Angel Marcos, Bernard Plossu, Sébastien Reuzé.
MNAC, Bucarest (RO).*

Les Nouvelles Pratiques de la Photographie et de l’Image Animée
Centre Atlantique de La Photographie, Brest (F).

Group show
Isabelle Arthuis, Frederic Barthes, Elina Brotherus, Sebastien Cambouvile, Andre Cepeda, JH Engstrom, Andre jasinski, Barbara & Michael Leigen, Angel Marcos, Bernard Plossu, Sébastien Reuzé
Fondation Armando Alvarez Penteado, São Paulo (Brazil). *

Le Paysage Paradoxal
Group show
Robert Arnold, Isabelle Arthuis, Pablo Avedano, Laetitia Delafontaine & Gregory Niel, Felten – Massinger, Beate Gütschow, Laura Henno, Mark Lewis, Hans Op De Beeck, Qubo Gas, Robert Quint, Philippe Ramette, Sébastien Reuzé
Iselp, Brussels (B).*

Group show
Isabelle Arthuis, Frederic Barthes, Elina Brotherus, Sebastien Cambouvile, Andre Cepeda, JH Engstrom, Andre Jasinski, Barbara & Michael Leigen, Angel Marcos, Bernard Plossu, Sébastien Reuzé
Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris (F).*

Group show
Michel François, Marie José Burky, Emilio Lopez Menchero, Xavier Noiret Thomé, Jean-Baptiste Bernardet, Alain Geronnez, Robert Suermondt, Sébastien Reuzé
La Lettre Volée, Brussels (B).

Multiples from Young Belgian Art Prize 2005
Group show
Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost, Carlos Aires, Olivier Foulon, Sébastien Reuzé, Kris Vleeschouwer
Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels (B).*

Tous Les Jours
Solo show
La Lettre volée, Brussels (B).

Art Brussels
Solo show
Stand de la Communauté Française de Belgique, Art Brussels (B).

Group show
Isabelle Arthuis, Frederic Barthes, Elina Brotherus, Sebastien Cambouvile, Andre Cepeda, JH Engstrom, Andre Jasinski, Barbara & Michael Leigen, Angel Marcos, Bernard Plossu, Sébastien Reuzé
Centre International de la Culture de Cracovie, Cracovie (Po).*

Mar, Mater, Materia
Group show
Elina Brotherus, Andre Cepeda, JH Engstrom, Bernard Plossu
Contretype, Brussels (B)

Un Monde Non Objectif en Photographie
Group show
Berenice Abbott, Patrick Bailly-maître-Grand, Gaston Bertin, Werner Bishof, Brassaï, Balthasar Burkhard, Lucien Clergue, Adam Fuss, Man Ray, Laslo Moholy-Nagy, Sigmar Polke, Sébastien Reuzé, Ricardo Sanchez, Paul Strand, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Raoul Ubac
Galerie Thessa Herold, Paris (F).*

Group show
Maison Folie, Mons (B).

À l’Image de Rien
Group show
Contretype, Brussels (B).

Young Belgian Art Prize
Solo shows
Carlos Aires, Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost, Olivier Foulon, Sébastien Reuzé, Kris Vleeschouwer, Cindy Wright
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (B)*

3 + 3 font…
Group show
Fabrice Dubreuil, Veronique Ellena, Awen Jones, Pascal Poulain, Sébastien Reuzé, Heidi Wood
Centre Photographique d’ïle-de-France, Pontault-Combault (F).*

Group show
Curated by Mr Xavier Canone, director of Musée de la Photographie de Charleroi (B).
Brussels (B).

Solo show
La Lettre volée, Brussels (B).

Solo show
Invitation by M. Xavier Canonne, Director of Musée la Photographie de Charleroi, with Aliceday Gallery, Gent, B.

Colonnes C.M.Y.K.
Solo show
ADEPS, Brussels (B).*

Le Troisième visage de Mathilde Morel
Solo show
C.C.A. Bazouges-La-Pérouse (F).

En équilibre et en Mouvement
Tribute to Denise René gallery
Group show
Atomium, Brussels (B).

Nowhere else but here
Group show
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art Gallery, London (UK).

Sébastien Reuzé
Solo show
La Criée, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Rennes (F).*

Sébastien Reuzé
Solo show
La Lettre volée, Brussels (B).

Sébastien Reuzé
Solo show
Contretype, Brussels (B).

I Remember (from Joe Breinhart)
Group show
Project by Véronique de Bellefroi
Centre Public d’Aide Sociale, Brussels (B).

Centre / Centrum
Group show
Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, Brussels (B).

Group show
Le Botanique, Centre Culturel de la Communauté Française, Brussels (B).

Group show
Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, at Garden History Museum, Londres (UK).

Group show
Die Wandelhalle, Koln (D).

Le Vertige de l’Évidence
Solo show in : 2° Année Photographique de Québec (CA).*

Studies, Grants & Residencies
Cité internationale des arts, Paris (F).
Artist Residency at Arteventura (Spain), with Stef Driesen.
Grant from Communauté Française de Belgique. Project Indian Springs (USA).
Prizewinner of the Programme Hors les Murs de l’Institut Français. Project Brooklands, London (UK).*
Residency in Berlin, by Air Antwerpen (B).
Laureat of the Young Belgian Art Prize, ING prize, BOZAR, Brussels (B). *
Residency at the Centre Photographique d’Île-de-France, Ponteau-Combault (F). *
Residency at Le Centre du Monde, Belle-île en mer (F). *
Residency at Contretype, Brussels (B). *
Residency at Centre Vu, Québec (CA). *

École Nationale des Arts Visuels de La Cambre, Brussels (B).

Activité réalisée dans le cadre de l' Unité de Production (02145) gérée par l’asbl Productions Associées, rue Coenraets 72 à 1060 Bruxelles, BCE/TVA: BE 0896.755.397